Dommes' Dirty Foot Desires! Ft Goddess Fina, Princess Onyx, Nahla Feti, Sativa Feti

175k views • 2023.02.03

Tags: foot fetish, foot worship, female domination, foot slave training, pov foot worship goddess fina, princess onyx, nahla feti, big feet, dirty, barefoot, soles, femdom, foot domination, feet cleaning, foot smelling, submissive, slave training, humiliation, sole licking, dirty feet, yoga retreat, her friend, powerful women, an al, dp, sexy dom, goddess fina, dirty foot, dommes, foot, goddess, princess, onyx, feti, work, play, mistress, feeling, extremely, weekend, relax, order, peace, brilliant, idea, host, yoga, retreat, place, friend, invite, sadistic, step, twin, sexy, domme, come, relaxing, ladies, happiness, turns, beautiful, outside, sun, shining, breeze, perfect, powerful, women, decide, exercise, dirt, sand, said, release, good, wish, continue, desperate, obsessed, puppy, sub, clean, bottom, maybe, bugs, saliva, tongue, meal, devour, femdoms, lucky, loving, pup, toes, feet

Description: Ughhh what a week! all work and no play leaves mistress nahla feti feeling extremely stressed and depleted lately. well it's finally the weekend giving mistress nahla some much needed time to unwind and relax. in order to truly be a peace, mistress nahla has the brilliant idea to host a yoga retreat at her place so not only she but her friends can all unwind and rebalance themselves too! nahla invite sadistic step-twin, sativa feti, and her sexy domme friends, goddess fina and princess onyx, to come over for some much needed yoga r&r aka girltime. the day of the relaxing yoga retreat arrives and much to the ladies happiness it turns out to be such a beautiful day outside. the sun is shining, the breeze is flowing thus making it the absolutely perfect day for yoga! the powerful women decide to try a grounding exercise where they do yoga completely barefoot amongst all the dirt and sand. it is said that "grounding" is the perfect release for tension and stress in order to loosen their bodies. as the ladies are finishing up their yoga retreat, they feel so good that they decide they wish to continue their cathartic allowing one solitary, desperate foot-obsessed puppy sub to clean the very grounding dirt caked on the bottom of each of their big feet. commanded to remove so much dirt, pollen, sticks, leaves, and maybe even a few bugs solely with your saliva and tongue as a nutritious meal to devour excites the femdoms. what a lucky dirty-loving pup; you have 8 feet and 40 toes to tend to...get to work!

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