Description: Both ladies enter the squared circle wearing pink one- piece suits, boots and shiny tights. they circle one another. sin-d is full of attitude. sin-d rakes sybil's face with her nails, sybil, being pissed off, grabs her from behind in a waist lock. arm ringer. sybil take sin-d down to the canvas. shoulder lock/surfboard. double hammerlock and sybil starts messing with sin-d's face. hair pulling, surfboard. sybil makes sin-d a pretzel and then puts her in a cross face crippler. sybil gets sin-d in a matchbook pin, which she reverses and begins to give sybil some payback! sybil is trapped in a brutal body scissor. angrier than ever, sybil breaks free and begins working sin-d's leg. sybil finishes with a humiliating rocking chair submission pin.